CIP-85: AppendCollection schemas Source

Author Paul Le Cam
Status Withdrawn
Category RFC
Created 2021-02-16
Requires 82, 88

Simple Summary

Provide schemas and associated tools to help interact with large lists in Ceramic.


This CIP presents a way to store a possibly large list of items split into multiple streams based on two complementary schemas: AppendCollection and CollectionSlice. This allows to create a virtually infinite list of items such as a feed by leveraging multiple Ceramic streams rather than a single one.


Storing a list of items in a single Ceramic Tile stream can make the stream grow large in size, possibly exceeding Ceramic’s internal limits for this stream stype. Providing a standard way to represent large lists such as feeds would be useful to provide reference schemas to solve this issue and associated tools to simplify interactions.



Stream references

The schemas use stream references defined in CIP-82 to identify relations.


A cursor is a unique identifier for an item in the collection, made of the tuple (CollectionSlice StreamID, item index). A collection slice should contain a maximum of 256 items, so the index of an item in the slice can be represented in a single byte.

Slice tag

A slice tag is a string identifying a unique slice part of a collection based on the index of the slice, as: <collection StreamID string>:<slice index>.


Two schemas are needed to represent a collection: the AppendCollection schema represents an entry point to the collection, and the CollectionSlice schema represents a single slice of the full list of items.

A Collection “instance” would therefore be made of 1 AppendCollection stream and any number of CollectionSlice streams with cross-references, as presented in the graphic below:

Collection relations graphic

AppendCollection schema

The AppendCollection schema must be an object with a $comment field from CIP-88 using the cip88:appendCollection prefix and pointing to the slice’s schema, along with the following properties:

  • sliceMaxItems: the maximum number of items a single slice should contain
  • slicesCount: the total number of slices the collection contains
  $schema: '',
  $comment: 'cip88:appendCollection:<slice schema ID>',
  title: 'MyCollection',
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    sliceMaxItems: { type: 'integer', minimum: 10, maximum: 256 },
    slicesCount: { type: 'integer', minimum: 1 },
  required: ['sliceMaxItems', 'slicesCount']

CollectionSlice schema

The CollectionSlice schema must be an object with a $comment field from CIP-88 having the value cip88:collectionSlice, along with the following properties:

  • collection: the StreamID of the collection the slice is part of
  • sliceIndex: index of the slice in the collection, between 0 and the collection’s slicesCount minus 1
  • contents: array with a maxItems value matching the AppendCollection sliceMaxItems property and defining the items schemas, that must include { type: 'null' } in order to support removals
  $schema: '',
  $comment: 'cip88:collectionSlice',
  title: 'MyCollectionSlice',
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    collection: { type: 'string', maxLength: 150 },
    sliceIndex: { type: 'integer', minimum: 0 },
    contents: {
      type: 'array',
      maxItems: 256,
      minItems: 0,
      items: {
        oneOf: [{ type: 'object', ... }, { type: 'null' }],
  required: ['collection', 'sliceIndex', 'contents'],


Deterministic slice access

Accessing slices in the collection relies on Ceramic’s ability to load streams deterministically based on their metadata by using { deterministic: true, tags: ['<slice tag>'] }, where slice tag is a string of <collection StreamID string>:<slice index>.

First insertion

This flow assumes a prerequisite check that the AppendCollection stream has not been created yet.

  1. Create the AppendCollection stream with a slicesCount of 1.
  2. Create a deterministic CollectionSlice stream with a tag using the index value 0.
  3. Update the created CollectionSlice stream with the collection string, sliceIndex number and contents array containing the item to insert.

Other insertions

  1. Load the AppendCollection stream.
  2. Load the most recent CollectionSlice stream based on its deterministic content, using the slicesCount from the collection.
  3. Check the length of the contents array of the CollectionSlice:
  • If it is lower than the sliceMaxItems value of the AppendCollection, add the item to the contents array.
  • If it is equal to the sliceMaxItems value:
    1. Create a new deterministic CollectionSlice stream with index value of the previous slice plus 1.
    2. Update the created CollectionSlice stream with the collection string, sliceIndex number and contents array containing the item to insert.
    3. Update the AppendCollection stream with the incremented slicesCount.

Single item loading

Loading a single item is based on the item cursor (slice StreamID + item index in slice):

  1. Load the CollectionSlice stream from its StreamID.
  2. Access the item at the given index in the contents array.

Multiple item loading

Loading multiple items can be done in order (from the first slice) or reverse order (from the last slice), with an optional cursor to start from, as described below:

  • first: N

    1. Load the CollectionSlice stream based on its determistic content with a sliceIndex of 0.
    2. Iterate through contents filtering out null values until N items are collected.
    3. If N items are not collected, load the next slice deterministically and continue from previous step.
  • first: N, after: cursor(slice ID, offset)

    1. Load the CollectionSlice stream from the slice ID.
    2. Skip the first contents items according to the offset.
    3. Iterate through contents filtering out null values until N items are collected.
    4. If N items are not collected, load the next slice deterministically and continue from previous step.
  • last: N

    1. Load the AppendCollection stream.
    2. Load the CollectionSlice stream based on its determistic content, using the slicesCount from the collection.
    3. Iterate through contents in reverse order filtering out null values until N items are collected.
    4. If N items are not collected and the first slice is not reached, load the previous slice deterministically and continue from previous step
  • last: N, before: cursor(slice ID, offset)

    1. Load the CollectionSlice stream from the slice ID.
    2. Skip the first contents items according to the offset.
    3. Iterate through contents in reverse order filtering out null values until N items are collected.
    4. If N items are not collected and the first slice is not reached, load the previous slice deterministically and continue from previous step

Single item removal

Removing an item consists in replacing the item value by null in the contents array identified by the given cursor(slice ID, offset):

  1. Load the CollectionSlice stream from the slice ID.
  2. Access the item from the contents array at the given offset.
  3. If the item exists, replace it by null.


This CIP implements a well-known data structure (a doubly linked list) in a similar way to the ActivityStreams collections.

The implementation and algorithms are meant to support GraphQL’s connections so this interface can easily be used on top of AppendCollection.

Backwards Compatibility

None, as these are new schemas.


None yet.

Security Considerations

The spec defines clear expectations about the number of items a slice can contain, and how cursors should be stable, but as with any other Ceramic stream, it is up to the schema validation and correct spec implementations to ensure the correct behavior is applied.

Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Please cite this document as:

Paul Le Cam, "CIP-85: AppendCollection schemas," Ceramic Improvement Proposals, no. 85, February 2021. [Online serial]. Available: