CIP-82: StreamID json-schema definition Source

Author Paul Le Cam
Status Withdrawn
Category RFC
Created 2021-02-15
Requires 88

Simple Summary

Provide a static way to define a string in a JSON schema represents a Ceramic StreamID, optionally with static references to the schema(s) that must be used by the referenced stream.


This CIP defines a standard way to add a reference to an existing Ceramic stream in a JSON schema and references to existing JSON schemas, so it is possible to access this information about Ceramic streams at build time rather than only at runtime on created streams.


It is sometimes necessary to reference Ceramic streams from other streams, such as a list containing the streamIDs of individual Ceramic streams. Currently, we are sometimes using definitions that can be referenced in a schema using "$ref": "#/definitions/CeramicDocId" for example, but this has not be defined as a standard. Using local definitions to a schema also has the downside of providing no guaranty of being unique or having the definition matching any standard.

Furthermore, IDX definitions contain a schema property that references an existing schema, guarantying the IDX record associated to the definition matches this schema. This CIP provides a way to implement similar logic for any schema independently of IDX.

Using this CIP, a NotesList schema could explicitly reference a Note schema with the following example:

  $schema: '',
  title: 'Notes',
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    notes: {
      type: 'array',
      title: 'list',
      items: {
        type: 'object',
        title: 'item',
        properties: {
          note: { $ref: '#/definitions/NoteDocID' },
          title: {
            type: 'string',
            maxLength: 100,
        required: ['note'],
  definitions: {
    NoteDocID: {
      type: 'string',
      maxLength: 150,
      $comment: 'cip88:ref:<Note schema streamID>',

This way, by loading the Notes schema, it is possible by a tool/library to discover the Note schema the same way loading a IDX definition allows the discovery of the record’s schema.


References to Ceramic schema should use a string with the $comment field using the cip88:ref type, and optionally with a schema string of the StreamID (implicit reference to latest version) or CommitID (specific version) of the supported schema(s). Multiple schemas can be provided, using the | character as separator.

  type: 'string',
  maxLength: 150,
  $comment: 'cip88:ref:<Note schema streamID>',


This CIP uses the $comment field as defined in CIP-88.

This spec allows to either define a single schema or multiple ones sparated by the | character. The use case would be to support different schemas for a single reference, for example a “media” schema could reference an “image” schema, but also the “audio” and “video” ones as acceptable document schemas: $comment: 'cip88:ref:<image schema docID>|<audio schema docID>|<video schema docID>'.

Backwards Compatibility

Ideally we should replace the use of the CeramicDocId definition in IDX schemas we provide, as well as examples and tutorials.


None yet.

Security Considerations

None I’m aware of.

Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Please cite this document as:

Paul Le Cam, "CIP-82: StreamID json-schema definition," Ceramic Improvement Proposals, no. 82, February 2021. [Online serial]. Available: