CIP-79: 3ID DID Method Specification Source

Author Joel Thorstensson
Status Draft
Category RFC
Created 2021-02-12

3ID DID Method Specification

3ID is a DID method that is implemented natively on Ceramic. It uses the Tile Document StreamType to create a mutable stream that stores the information which makes up the DID document for the 3ID. The Tile Document StreamType supports secure key rotation for 3IDs since its updates must be anchored into a blockchain, providing explicit versions and proof-of-publication at specific points in time (blockheights). This means that 3ID inherits this property.

DID Method Name

The name string that shall identify this DID method is: 3.

A DID that uses this method MUST begin with the following prefix: did:3. Per the DID specification, this string MUST be in lowercase. The remainder of the DID, after the prefix, is specified below.

Method Specific Identifier

There are two versions of 3IDs. Both versions use a Ceramic Tile Document StreamType as a way to update the DID document. 3IDv1 is the most recent version, however 3IDv0 is supported for legacy reasons. If you are creating new 3IDs you should always use 3IDv1. Both versions are always encoded using multibase. To determine if it’s v1 or v0, first convert the multibase string into a byte array. If the first varint is 0x01 it’s a 3IDv0, and if the first varint is 0xce it’s a 3IDv1.


The method specific identifier for 3IDv1 is simply a Ceramic StreamID. The StreamID used refers to the Ceramic stream which contains the information needed to construct the DID Document upon resolution. StreamIDs are encoded according to CIP-59.

3idv1 = "did:3:<StreamId>"




The method specific identifier for 3IDv0 is a CID as produced by the IPLD codec dag-cbor.

3idv0 = "did:3:<cid>"



CRUD Operation Definitions

In this section the CRUD operations for a 3ID DID are defined.


A 3 DID is created by simply creating a stream that conforms to the tile document StreamType. The tile document takes a DID as the controller, and it’s recommended that a did:key is used. The controller is the DID which is allowed to update the stream. The family of the stream is set to 3id, and the deterministic flag is set to true.

Now the content of the stream should consist of a JSON object with one property publicKeys. These public keys will be allowed to sign messages on behalf of the 3ID, or decrypt messages encrypted to the 3ID. The value of this property should be an object where the value is a multicodec + multibase(base58btc) encoded public key, the key for any given key should be the last 15 characters of the encoded public key.

The 3ID DID method supports any type of public key that can be encoded using multicodec which can easily be extended to support quantum resistant signature and encryption schemes in the future.


Below you can see an example of how to create a 3ID using the Ceramic javascript api.

const doc = await ceramic.createDocument({
  metadata: {
    controllers: ['did:key:zQ3shQNcackrTByiYaPGso1Nt7b6r1gSMg4XXBmavzvTMqX1h'], // secp256k1 did:key
    family: '3id'
  content: {
    publicKeys: {
      "XQCT2xJHsdY6iJH": "z6LSqKWh3XQ7AfsJuE2KR23cozEut8D5CXQCT2xJHsdY6iJH",  // x22519 public key
      "yh27jTt7Ny2Pwdy": "zQ3shrMGEKAjUTMmvDkcZ7Y3x9XnVjTH3myh27jTt7Ny2Pwdy", // secp256k1 public key
  deterministic: true

const didString = `did:3:${}`


Resolving a 3ID is quite straight forward. It is done by taking the StreamID from the method specific identifier, looking up the referred stream using Ceramic, and converting the content of the stream into a DID document.

Loading 3IDv1 stream

To load a 3IDv1 document simply take the StreamID from the method specific identifier and load the stream from ceramic.

Loading 3IDv0 document

To load a 3IDv0 document, first take the CID from the method specific identifier and load the corresponding object from the IPFS network. The resolved object will contain a publicKey property which has an array of public key objects (see Appendix A).

Now find the key with an id that ends in #signingKey and convert it to a multicodec encoded key (in compressed format), then use it as a did:key and look up the ceramic document which has this key as the controller and family set to 3id, using the deterministic flag. Below you can see the code to do this with the javascript Ceramic api.

const doc = await ceramic.createDocument({
  metadata: {
    controllers: [didKey], // secp256k1 did:key
    family: '3id'
  deterministic: true

Converting the loaded Ceramic stream to the DID document

Once we have the stream loaded, load the latest AnchorCommit in the stream (the latest commit that was anchored to a blockchain). Then get the content of the stream at this AnchorCommit, which will look something like this:

  "publicKeys": {
    "j9uh8iKHSDSLat4": "zQ3shaLgXkpEXt7He5mogBxFfib5cE2kv9j9uh8iKHSDSLat4",
    "qYfZN2QNDgjJpaL": "z6LSnTyV1nSWfMmfV1PoRmo3enhDnfqfFqYfZN2QNDgjJpaL"

To convert this into a DID document first create an empty DID document:

  "@context": "",
  "id": "<did>",
  "verificationMethod": [],
  "authentication": [],
  "keyAgreement": []

Now iterate though the entires in the publicKeys object in the Ceramic stream and do the following:

  • If it’s a secp256k1 key:

    • Add a Secp256k1VerificationKey2018 to the verificationMethod array:

        id: "<did>#<entry-key>",
        type: "EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019",
        controller: "<did>",
        publicKeyBase58: "<entry-value-public-key-base58btc-encoded>"
    • Add a Secp256k1SignatureAuthentication2018 to the authentication array:

        id: "<did>#<entry-key>",
        type: "EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019",
        controller: "<did>",
        publicKeyBase58: "<entry-value-public-key-base58btc-encoded>"
  • If it’s a x25519 key:

    • Add a Curve25519EncryptionPublicKey to the verificationMethod array:

        id: "<did>#<entry-key>",
        type: "X25519KeyAgreementKey2019",
        controller: "<did>",
        publicKeyBase58: "<entry-value-public-key-base58btc-encoded>"
    • Add a X25519KeyAgreementKey2019 to the keyAgreement array:

        id: "<did>#<entry-key>",
        type: "X25519KeyAgreementKey2019",
        controller: "<did>",
        publicKeyBase58: "<entry-value-public-key-base58btc-encoded>"
3IDv0 genesis

Since the content of the Ceramic document for a 3IDv0 is empty at the GenesisCommit we create the DID document by taking the public keys in the 3IDv0 genesis object (see Appendix A) and convert them to multicodec public keys (one secp256k1 and one x25519). The key properties in the DID document should be constructed as above, with the entry-key being the last 15 characters of the multicodec encoded keys.

DID Document Metadata

When resolving the DID document DID Document Metadata should be provided. When resolving a 3ID we should populate the following fields:

  • create - should be populated using the blockchain timestamp from the first AnchorCommit
  • updated - should be populated using the blockchain timestamp from the most recent AnchorCommit
  • versionId - should be equal to the commit CID from the most recent AnchorCommit

Resolving using the versionId parameter

When the versionId query parameter is given as a DID is resolved it means that we should try to resolve a specific version of the DID document. The resolution process is the same except that the AnchorCommit we use to get the content of the document should be equal to the DocID + CID from versionId. In addition we should construct the DID Document Metadata differently.

DID Document Metadata
  • create - should be populated using the blockchain timestamp from the first AnchorCommit
  • updated - should be populated using the blockchain timestamp from the resolved AnchorCommit
  • versionId - should be equal to the commit CID from the resolved AnchorCommit
  • nextUpdate - should be populated using the blockchain timestamp from the next AnchorCommit (if present)
  • nextVersionId - should be equal to the commit CID from the next AnchorCommit (if present)


The 3ID DID can be updated by changing the content of the Ceramic stream corresponding to the particular 3ID. Any number of public key can be added or removed from the content. Note that the controller of the Ceramic stream can be changed as well. This does not have any effect on the state of the DID document, but changes the DID which is in control of the 3ID document.


The 3ID can be deactivated by removing all content in the Ceramic stream of the 3ID and replacing it with one property deactivated set to true.

Security Requirements

3ID derives most of its security properties from the Ceramic protocol. Most notably censorship resistance, decentralization, and requiring a minimal amount of data to be synced to completely verify the integrity of a 3ID. For more details see the Ceramic specification.

Cryptographic Agility

As can be seen in the CRUD section, currently only secp256k1 and x25519 public keys are supported. This can be easily extended by using other multicodec encoded keys. The multicodec table already has support for BLS keys for example, so adding support for it would be trivial. Once good post quantum cryptography becomes more widely available extending 3ID to support that will also be fairly straight forward.

Privacy Requirements

See § 10. Privacy Considerations in did-core.


The 3ID DID Method could also easily be extended to support other features specified in did-core, e.g. service endpoints.

Reference Implementations

Appendix A

An example 3IDv0 genesis object

  "value": {
    "id": "did:3:GENESIS",
    "@context": "",
    "publicKey": [
        "id": "did:3:GENESIS#signingKey",
        "type": "Secp256k1VerificationKey2018",
        "publicKeyHex": "0452fbcde75f7ddd7cff18767e2b5536211f500ad474c15da8e74577a573e7a346f2192ef49a5aa0552c41f181a7950af3afdb93cafcbff18156943e3ba312e5b2"
        "id": "did:3:GENESIS#encryptionKey",
        "type": "Curve25519EncryptionPublicKey",
        "publicKeyBase64": "DFxR24MNHVxEDAdL2f6pPEwNDJ2p0Ldyjoo7y/ItLDc="
        "id": "did:3:GENESIS#managementKey",
        "type": "Secp256k1VerificationKey2018",
        "ethereumAddress": "0x3f0bb6247d647a30f310025662b29e6fa382b61d"
    "authentication": [
        "type": "Secp256k1SignatureAuthentication2018",
        "publicKey": "did:3:GENESIS#signingKey"

Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Please cite this document as:

Joel Thorstensson, "CIP-79: 3ID DID Method Specification [DRAFT]," Ceramic Improvement Proposals, no. 79, February 2021. [Online serial]. Available: